Poker is a metaphor for life. At its essence, it boils down to assessing a situation with imperfect information and then making the right decisions. No wonder I'm so bad at it.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Chasing The Flush

Alright...I'm tired of it...sickened by it...and I need to vent.

What is up with the flush chasers who don't know how to fold?! Normally, I love them...but when they hit and hit and hit and's just plain expensive...and frustrating. I have a theory that the horrible players at Party Poker that suck out on you with really bad hands are really NOT horrible players. They are Party Poker employees who have access to a special version of the software that lets them know when they are dealt the winning hand before the rest of the cards come out. How else can you explain someone calling a $5 preflop raise with 39 os and calling large bets all the way to the river only to catch a runner-runner two pair? Whatever...

OK. Done for the night.


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