Poker is a metaphor for life. At its essence, it boils down to assessing a situation with imperfect information and then making the right decisions. No wonder I'm so bad at it.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Why nice guys finish last...

My roommate's friend came to town this week. Poor guy's name is Kurt...And Kurt has been after our other friend Ashley for YEARS. Now...from what I hear...Kurt is an absolute jerk to most ladies he meets...and the amazing thing is, this works. He hooks up with a lot of them. But when it comes to Ashley...he's nothing but a gentleman, he's a stand-up guy, he's a doormat.

And that brings us to it...why is it that a guy can be soooo lucky with so many girls...except for the one girl that he really likes? Well, luck has nothing to do with it. The difference is that he treats the rest of the girls like trash...and he treats Ashley like gold...and that's why he'll never hook up with Ashley.

Girls are constantly testing your dominance. And when you supplicate to their wishes, you fall into the "pawn" category. Nonthreatening, noninteresting, will do my bidding when i choose to exercise my control over you. This is a bad place to be.

Kurt, instead of falling into this must make a firm...challenge her. Make her by YOU drinks. Make her change YOUR oil. She loves being the center of ignore her. As long as you ignore her, she will think of more and more effective ways to regain that attention. The longer you hold out...the more aggressive her attempts to get your attention will be....see where this is heading?

We've all seen it for all of our lives. It's not an isolated incident. Women, for the most part, for the vast, vast majority, are not attracted to nice guys. They need a little danger, unpredictability, and someone who they can change in some fundamental way...because if she can change you, she must be worth changing for...and that is some sort of validation of themselves.

So don't be a nice guy, don't change, and she will continually seek to validate herself. And that's why all women are insane...because insanity is repeating the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome.


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