Poker is a metaphor for life. At its essence, it boils down to assessing a situation with imperfect information and then making the right decisions. No wonder I'm so bad at it.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Terry Schiavo: let the woman die for Christ's sake

Why is it that we have to hear about this every minute of every day? Is this even newsworthy? The courts have ruled, God/nature have ruled, and Darwin has been trying to rule. She's a vegetable. She's dead...her body just doesn't know it yet. There's a difference between being comatose and being a vegetable. People come out of comas.

No disrespect to Schiavo's parents, but there really is much more important stuff going on in the world. Personally, I hope she goes soon so we can all get on with our non-vegetative lives. But I worry deeply for her parents...i mean, what are they going to do to for sympathy from all their acquaintences when they can't use their vegetative daughter anymore? Maybe they can go to congress and lobby for a Terry Schiavo Bill making it a federal crime to let someone die by taking them off life support.

I wish you the best Terry...may St Peter welcome you with open arms at the Pearly Gates of Heaven. All of this mess is no fault of yours.


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