Poker is a metaphor for life. At its essence, it boils down to assessing a situation with imperfect information and then making the right decisions. No wonder I'm so bad at it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Visiting the ER

ok...on Saturday night, I took a little tumble down some steps. It cost me $1000 to find out at the ER that I had a badly sprained ankle. $1,000!!!! And that doesn't even include the cost of the pain medication they prescribed for me (which i didn't fill.)

I can't imagine how families survive without insurance. I mean, if a sprain, which doesn't really require treatment other than rest and ice costs $1,000, what is some poor schmuck with a broken ankle or leg going to do without insurance?

The US is too wealthy a country to have citizens without access to adequate medical services. Ya ya, i've heard the argument...our medical system is top notch because it costs a lot of money to get care. Bull. It's so expensive because there are HMOs and PPOs and xxOs all over the place that are supported by taking a cut from everything down to the crutches they give you.

Can't wait until i have health insurance again.


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